Während ich meine Blogpause gemacht habe, hat Fellmonsterchen fleißig weiter wöchentlich ihre Mottoi (ich muss diesen inoffiziellen plural einfah nur oft genug benutzen, dann wird er schon noch offiziell) veröffentlich, deshalb veröffentliche ich mal wieder einen Nachholpost zu dem Projekt.
While I had my break, Fellmonsterchen busily published her topics for 52 Books weekly, that's why I'm again writing a catch up-post to the meme
Das am meisten gelesene Buch /Your most read book
This was probably formerly my unbeaten book of my life. I've read it in elemenary school nonstop again and again, that was quite heavy, and other books only by the way. However you could read it in a few hours. It was "In the Land of 36000 Wishes" by André Maurois and even I liked it less and less with the time, because the main characters Doris in the end isn't allowed to enter the dreamland because she had become a good student I found it from sometime stupid. Because I also improved at school and the defiance when reading was more and more against that country that somehow liked troublemakers. And when we last moved we lost it. Some of the ideas nevertheless still flurry around my mind -since I read this book I someday want to carve a cave in a Redwood tree.
Ein Buch, bei dem du zumindest teilweise dachtest, der Autor hätte dich oder dein Leben als Vorbild genommen /A book where you at least partly thought the author had taken you or your life as example
Ich bin ein wandelndes Lexikon, eine seltsame Außenseiterin, manchmal peinlich begriffsstutzig und taktlos und außerdem an meiner Schule bekannt wie ein bunter Hund -die exquisite Beschreibung, wie es dazu kam will ich lieber nicht bringen- wie auch immer, noch ein Grund warum Harry Potter so beliebt ist: Man findet sich selbst drin wieder.
Actually in Harry Potter I could always discover myself in the different characters. I mean, I'm not the only that identifys with Hermione, that's what hundred thousands of girls all around the world think about theirself, but basically I've got a lot in common with her. And with Luna, Ron and Harry.
I'm a walking encyclopedia, a strange outsider, sometimes embarrassingly slow-witted and indelicate and also at my school known all over the place -I will not write the elaborate description how this happened -whatever, another reason why Harry Potter is so popular: You discover yourself in it.
Niveau war gestern /Intellectually undemanding on a low level
Ich weiß nicht. Niveaulos? Möglicherweise sind manche Kinderbücher, die ich früher mal gelesen habe, richtig niveauloser Käse. Möglicherweise finden andere Leute Fantasy und Science Fiction im allgemeinen niveaulos. Ich jedenfalls nicht. In richtig niveaulose Schnulzen, wie man sie als Taschenbücher am Kiosk kaufen kann habe ich zwar zugegebenermaßen schon reingespickt, aber wirklich gelesen oder im Regal stehen habe ich keines.I don't know. Low level? Probably some of my children's books I used to read aren't really intellectually demanding. Maybe some people find Fantasy and Science Fiction intellectually undemanding. I do not. I've admittedly already peeked in really low leveled book like you can buy them as paperback at the kiosk, but haven't really read any or have some in my shelf.
Schräger Humor /Warped sense of humor

Old or older children's books. Jim Button, the Hobbit, Alice in Wonderland, the 35. of Mai... the funny thing is always, that fantastic creatures and bizarre circumstances are descipted so happily absurd and as if they where totally usual. It's always as if it's absolutely normal that Wendy's mother in Peter Pan sorts the thoughts of her children, as if it it totally naturally to sew on a shadow again and of course the equator is a band of steel over the Indian Ocean and where a horse can roller-skate over. I love this flubbed fairy tale humor. Regrettably the latest children's books are in comparison very boring. Or Fantasy novels. They're always like: Oh! Magic! How astonishing, how crazy, I don't believe it, I can't believe it, I don't want to believe it. You know, sometimes that's annoying. It's actually much funnier, when you tell in the manner of: "And who doesn't know this probably lives on the moon" instead of the protagonist annoying for chapters, that he doesn't believe in Maic. While the reader has already understood that this is a fantasy novel. "The Land Of 36000 Wished is by the way also a book of that kind.
Ein Buch, das in der Ich-Form geschrieben ist /A book written in first person narrative
I want to hereby express one thing: The Hunger Game is probably one of the books, that are closest to their protagonist, on the one hand in the first person, on the other in present tense. And I admire Suzane Collins for being able to write something like that, after all stories I've written in first person where spoiled because a single perspective isn't enough for me. Single characters aren't my strenght... anyway, these books are wonderfully close to Katniss and that's reason to love them. You don't get much bird's eye view -you get Katniss's world bew, that you have to take as it comes- but it is an achievement to make do with a single perspective. Really
Es glitzert /It glitters
Auf jeden Fall die Sternenschweif und Stardust Bücher von Linda Chapman. An sich sind diese Bücher als Kinderbücher nicht schlecht -es sind schließlich Kinderbücher- aber diese Cover glitzern so mädchenhaft, dass ich sie heute nur deshalb in der Öffentlichkeit lesen würde, wenn ich dumme Fragen gestellt bekommen wollte -was *hust* offen gesagt bei mir sogar manchmal der Fall ist, weil ich witzig finde, wie allergisch manche Leute in meinem Alter reagieren, wenn man mal was tut, das nicht "cool und angemessen" ist. Kommt schon, selbst mit fünfzehn sollte man darüber hinaus sein.In any case the "My Secret Unicorn" and "Stardust" books by Linda Chapman -at least the German issues. By itself these books as children' books aren't bad -there children's books- but these covers glitter so girle, that I'd only read them in public when I wanted someone to ask me stupid questions -which, honestly sometimes is the case for me, because I think it's funny how much allergic people of my age react, when you don't do what's "cool and adequate". Come on, even with fifteen you should be over that.
Winterwetter /Winter Weather
Dieses Buch spielt in einer Eiszeit in der Zukunft, in der die Menschen entweder hochtechnisiert unter Kuppeln, sogenannten Sphären leben oder primitiv in der Wildnis. Natürlich geht es hier mal wieder darum, dass die Sphärenbewohner ungerecht zu denen sind, die draußen Leben und soziale Konflikte, etc. Das ganze ist als Thriller verpackt und das Rätsel des Buches findet man selbst am Ende nicht heraus, was dann doch nervig ist, weil ich eigentlich lieber Bücher mag, in denen man ein bisschen mehr Übersicht über die Lage hat. Aber die ganze Welt der Zukunft ist so eiszeitlich verschneit, dass sich das Winterwetter definitiv nicht bestreiten lässt.This book is set in a future ice age, where people live with high technology under domes called spheres or primitive in wilderness. Of course it's about the sphere people being unjust to those living outside and about social conflicts, etc. The whole thing is packaged as a Thriller and you don't finde out the story's riddel, not even in the end of the nook, which then is annoying, because I rather like books where you have an overview of the case. But the whole world of the future is so ice age snow-covered, that you can't deny the winter weather.
Das, was du zu "Das Land der 35000 Wünsche" geschrieben hast, finde ich irgendwie süß :D
AntwortenLöschenOh mein Gott! Du kennst das Land der 36000 Wünsche! Lass dich umamen!
LöschenNee, leider nicht, ich meinte eigentlich deine "Beziehung" zu dem Buch :)
LöschenOh, ach so :P
LöschenBeeindruckende Aufholjagd.
AntwortenLöschenDas letzte ist auf meiner Wuli, plus die Folgebände. Aber erst mal einiges von den SuBs abarbeiten...
Bis ich die Folgebände gelesen habe, dauert das bei mir noch lange...