I usually don't read books with horse- and lovestories, at least not, when they're the main theme, but this was however interesting, because it was told from the perspective of a boy and at least the love story was no usual love story. Hereby already most is said, since Orange Days is a short book and has no great plot. It hs it's allure more of telling about the main charakter Darek and his life and because it at least tells something. You can't tell about a n exciting or artful plot. The problem are lots of details, when for example Hanka takes off her shirt, just because Darek asks her, how she looks like, although, nowhere is told if they come cloeser yet -that really is strange. Another is that there are lots of threads, but those aren't linked up enough and the story is too short to tell enough about them. It contains a lot of nice things, but it's not quite the book , oof which I would say, that you should read it, since it's not everyman's taste. Still it was nominated for the German Youth literature award. However -this book gets three dolphins.
Dienstag, 18. Februar 2014
"Orangentage" /"Orange Days" -Iva Procházková (Not available in English)
Ich lese ja keine Bücher, die Pferde- und Liebesgeschichten enthalten, zumindest nicht, wenn das das Hauptthema ist, aber das hier war doch interessant, da es aus der Sicht eines Jungen erzählt wird und die Liebesgeschichte war jedenfalls keine typische Liebesstory. Damit ist eigentlich schon das meiste gesagt, da Orangentage ein kurzes Buch ist und handlungsmäßig eigentlich auch nicht viel zu bieten hat. Es hat eher seinen Reiz darin, dass man über das Leben der Hauptfigur Darek einiges erfährt und dass es doch irgendwie etwas erzählt. Von einer spannenden oder raffinierten Handlung kann ich hier nicht reden. Das Problem sind jede Menge Details, denn wenn Hanka kurz mal das T-shirt auszieht, nur weil Darek frägt, wie sie aussieht und das, obwohl noch gar nicht beschrieben wurde, wie sich die beiden näherkommen -das ist etwas seltsam. Ein weiteres ist, dass es zwar viele Stränge und Fäden gibt, diese aber nicht ausreichend zusammenhängen und die Story zu kurz ist, um genug darüber zu erzählen. Es enthält zwar viele schöne Dinge, die es zumindest wert sind, gelesen zu werden, aber es ist nicht gerade ein Buch von dem ich sagen würde, dass man es mal lesen sollte, es ist nämlich nicht jedermanns Geschmack. Dennoch wurde es für den deutsche Jugendliteraturpreis nominiert. Wie auch immer -dieses Buch bekommt drei Delphine.
I usually don't read books with horse- and lovestories, at least not, when they're the main theme, but this was however interesting, because it was told from the perspective of a boy and at least the love story was no usual love story. Hereby already most is said, since Orange Days is a short book and has no great plot. It hs it's allure more of telling about the main charakter Darek and his life and because it at least tells something. You can't tell about a n exciting or artful plot. The problem are lots of details, when for example Hanka takes off her shirt, just because Darek asks her, how she looks like, although, nowhere is told if they come cloeser yet -that really is strange. Another is that there are lots of threads, but those aren't linked up enough and the story is too short to tell enough about them. It contains a lot of nice things, but it's not quite the book , oof which I would say, that you should read it, since it's not everyman's taste. Still it was nominated for the German Youth literature award. However -this book gets three dolphins.
I usually don't read books with horse- and lovestories, at least not, when they're the main theme, but this was however interesting, because it was told from the perspective of a boy and at least the love story was no usual love story. Hereby already most is said, since Orange Days is a short book and has no great plot. It hs it's allure more of telling about the main charakter Darek and his life and because it at least tells something. You can't tell about a n exciting or artful plot. The problem are lots of details, when for example Hanka takes off her shirt, just because Darek asks her, how she looks like, although, nowhere is told if they come cloeser yet -that really is strange. Another is that there are lots of threads, but those aren't linked up enough and the story is too short to tell enough about them. It contains a lot of nice things, but it's not quite the book , oof which I would say, that you should read it, since it's not everyman's taste. Still it was nominated for the German Youth literature award. However -this book gets three dolphins.
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Hi! o: (es redet: Mariam. Yay, sie hat endlich auch mal kommentiert! Wird auch mal Zeit.) Also für mich klingt das interessant.. besitzst du das Buch? Wenn ja, leihst du mir das Buch BITTE aus? :D Und wenn nö: Wo hast du das Buch her? ;D
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