You often have an idea of the book, before you read it, an imagination, how the story might possible happen. Sometimes my imagination goes off the rails and creates amazing wonders, that don't really intercept with the actual content of the books. And in this series I want introduce them.
Ich hatte schon mal von diesem Buch gehört und wollte es also lesen und habe meinen Vater nach einer Inhaltsangabe gefragt. Mein Vater hat ein schlechtes Gedächtnis und das war in etwa die Blüte, die er in meinem Kopf fabrizierte:
I've heard of this book, and wanted to read it, so I asked my father for a summary. My father has a bad memory and this was kind of the imagination he fired in my head:

So, Bastian is a hero from the beginning (Whoever read the book knows, that that's not true.) He can be actually everything, so he rides on a brown horse with his American Indian/Native American friend (You see, my father is a master in giving little curious nine-year old girls asking questions a simplified answer) Adreju (Actually his name's Atreju, but the t is pronounced so softly, that it sounds like d.) through the Wild West (The grass sea, and it wasn't a Wild West and there were no cowboys, but Bastian was a cowboy in my imagination, with leather clothes, spurs at the boots and a cowboy hat. And I should start doing without long parentheses) to find the Ivory Tower, that stood in a wide grass plain (like a prairie) and it was more kind of a small Rapunzel Tower. You see, my father is able to explain very demonstrative and what my wild imagination has made of it. At least it was really white, the Ivory Tower, as white as ivory can be. But the Rapunzel theme started to encroach, because the princess (That it was a Childlike Empress was one of the facts I didn't get from my father) had fair hair and was caughte in the Tower. And when Bastian saves the princess, in my imagination he suddenly rode on a white horse and a white armour and attacked the tower with a lance. Er... What kind of imagination do kids have? Always so farfetched, how did I come to that?
Aber so weit so gut. Vom Nichts wurde nichts erzählt und darum ist doch irgendwie gut, dass ich diese falsche Idee hatte, denn so wusste ich wenigstens nicht den Ausgang der Handlung, anders als bei "Der Name der Rose" wo mir mein Vater quasi die ganze Geschichte ausgeplaudert hatte, weil er davon ausging, dass ein elfjähriges Mädchen das Buch a. nicht lesen würde (Was ich ja zumindest nicht mit elf tat) und b. sowieso alles wieder vergessen würde. Ich habe es eben nicht vergessen und als ich das Buch gelesen hatte, hatte ich ein wenig den Salat damit, dass ich schon wusste, woran denn alle gestorben waren. Glücklicherweise nicht en detail, denn im Gegensatz zu mir hat mein Vater ein schlechtes Gedächtnis (ist so) und somit waren seine Angaben dazu auch nicht besonders ärgerlich. Aber zurück zur unendlichen Geschichte. Es war quasi alles eine einfach, simple Märchenwelt, die ich mir da vorstellte, so wie ich damals auch eben am liebsten Märchengeschichten gelesen habe. Die unendliche Geschichte ist auch eine Märchengeschichte, aber eben ganz anders, als die Märchen, die man kleinen Kindern vorliest. Die zweite Blüte meiner Fantasie wird ein eher unbekanntes Buch sein, nämlich Odessa und die geheime Welt der Bücher und da werde ich dann auch etwas ausführlicher erklären, was da die Unterschiede sind.
But so much by now. There was nothing about the Nothing and then it's good, that I had the wrong idea, at least I didn't know the end of the story, different to "The Name Of The Rose" where my father technically blabbed the whole story, because he thought, an eleven-year old girl a. wouldn't read the book (What I at least didn't do when I was elevn) and b. would forget everything anyway. I didn't forget it and when I read the book, I had a real mess, because I already knew why everybody had died. Fortunately not all details, because contrary to me (it's true) my father has a bad memory so his data wasn't that disturbing. But back to the neverending story. It was in a way a simple and easy fairy tale I imagined just like I loved to read fairy tales then. The neverending story is also a a fairy tale, but simply different from the fairy tale you read to little children. The second Fired Imagination will be a more fameless book, de kleine Odessa and there I'll explain more detailed, where the differences are.
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