Montagsfrage, veranstaltet von Libromanie.
Monday Question by Libromanie: Which five books are on the top of your wish list?
Meine Wunschliste? Also... da Fortsetzungen nicht zählen darf ich ja "Das Schloss der träumenden Bücher" "A Clash Of Kings" und "Wie Blut so rot" nicht nennen, tue es aber trotzdem :P Aber umso besser, dann darf ich noch mehr Bücher aufzählen.
My wish list? Well, since sequels don't count, I'm actually not allowed to list "The Castle Of Dreaming Books" "A Clash Of Kings" and "Scarlet", but I still do it :P But so much the better, there I can list even mor books.
Einige Minuten später bringe ich doch die Kraft auf, die Liste zu kommentieren...
Just a few minutes later I have the power to comment the list...

Actually a colouring book for children, but the ideas in the book were so great that I immediately wanted to scribble in it myself. scribblescrabblescribblescrabble...

The Other Side Of The Sky I found The Glas Castle so great and so marvelously crazy and because of this I'm looking forward to finally get this book.

I've already read on several Blogs about it. Since I love genre mixtures I simply must find out what this is like!
A Zamonia book, acting up fantasies -should I say more?

Just because of the genre. I haven't read much Steampunk yet, still this genre fascinates me, just because of the idea. I mean: air ships? victorian? gas lanterns? mechanics? clockwork? yay!
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